You settle down into your designated seat on the plane, bus or train heaving a sigh of relief as
all the tension from getting to the airport or station on time, dealing with your luggage, getting in
line to board your chosen vehicle of transportation, seeps out of you.
You take a big calming breath, ready to enjoy a relaxing journey to your destination and… a
sweaty traveler squeezes into his seat next to you, taking up both armrests. The baby sitting two
rows in front of you begins to cry. The kid sitting behind you starts kneeing the back of your seat
while his mother chatters away to her friend across the aisle. You suddenly have the urge to go
to the restroom.
Does this situation sound familiar? As a frequent air traveler, I’ve encountered more of these
situations than I would like to. So what’s a girl got to do? This would be a great time to insert
ye old Scout motto of “Always be prepared” as we go through a list of travelling essentials that
could solve your problems.
#1 MP3 and Earbuds
I cannot count the number of times that I’ve mentally congratulated myself on bringing my iPod
and my pair of earbuds on my trips. If you have a normal pair of ear phones or head phones,
do consider investing in a pair of noise-isolating earbuds. There is nothing more satisfying
than completely drowning out and isolating the sound of noisy passengers with your favorite
travelling music.
A normal pair of ear phones would still allow the noise to seep in – mingling with the dulcet voice
of Norah Jones (or whatever that you are listening to) – causing you to increase the volume
of your MP3 player. This increase in volume would then probably cause your private music
collection to be overheard by other passengers as they place you on their pedestal of judgment,
judging your taste in music while you obliviously bob your head along to the 90’s hits song
Barbie Girl by Aqua. “Life in plastic, it’s fantastic” anyone?
#2 Reading Materials
When you are done flipping through the sometimes sticky and suspicious smelling magazine
located in the seat pocket in front of you, you may still long for something to take you away from
the feeling of the constant kneeing in your back as the kid behind you squirms about and plays
with the folding food tray behind your seat. The solution? Books, and when I said books, I meant
reading books and not chucking them at the kid behind you.
Be it is your favorite tattered copy of Lord of The Rings, your e-book reader, Tina Fey’s
Bossypants (which had me bursting out in laughter at the airport terminal once) or the latest
New York Times bestseller, your book is your ticket to a different world through the eyes of
another. Magazines are good as well but since the material is lighter than the average novel,
they would only be useful for short trips.
#3 Toiletries
Have you ever had to use restroom during a long trip and looked in the mirror and immediately
shrieked in horror at the sight of your greasy haired, flaky skinned, chapped lipped reflection
staring at back at you? Neither have I, but I have come close to doing that. Hence the
importance of bringing along your mini toiletry bag packed with your face moisturizer, facial
wipes, lip balm, floss, and deodorant.
Going on long trips with minimal chances of freshening up may cause your body to smell funky
at times, so do yourself and everyone around you a favor by generously applying that deodorant
of yours. Remember though, because of the airport security check, make sure you bring the
small versions of your toiletries and place them in a clear bag to avoid any problems or delays in
the screening process.
#4 Hoodie
Why a hoodie and not just a jacket? Plenty of reasons actually. Besides having the opportunity
to look cool with the hood over your head as you listen to angst music while staring out the
window; a hoodie can keep you warm under the cold blast of air-conditioning as it retains some
of your heat from the neck up. Hoodies usually have pockets and they come in handy when
you’re moving about and have no time to search your bag for things.
It can also decrease your range of peripheral vision if you’re looking to avoid getting distracted
by your neighbor’s head lolling about as he sleeps with his mouth open. If you’re not really into
socializing or getting to know the person sitting next to you, (you should give it a go sometimes
because you never know who you might meet and what interesting life stories that they can
share) putting up your hood and plugging in your headphones basically gives people the “Do
Not Disturb” vibe.
#5 Sanitary Pack
Travelling during the time of the month is a pain and a hassle. Thus, always be prepared for the
inevitable by having a sanitary pack complete with some pads, tissue, and something to take
to reduce cramps. If you are a tampon user, the OB without the applicator will take up the least
space in your bag.
#6 Snacks
There’s nothing more torturous than having the case of munchies as you watch your neighbor
chowing down on a chocolate bar, or other forms of snacks. Hence, always be prepared with a
Ziploc bag of your favorite snacks or dried food such as nuts, raisins, or crackers.
Granola bars are also an ideal choice as they don’t squish easily and are generally wholesome.
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is also a great snack for long trips that do not provide any
meals. Preparing snacks ahead of time will not only keep your hunger at bay, but will save you
some money by not having to pay the marked-up prices at the airport or station.
#7 Hats
Perfectly coiffed hair and long hours of traveling never seem to go hand-in-hand. With the
amount of static, dust, and grease that can build up in your hair during a long journey, it can
come as no surprise when your crowning glory isn’t up to its usual shine. A cap or a hat would
be useful in this case as they mask your bad hair day as well as becoming an additional
accessory to your traveling outfit.
#8 Sunglasses
If you are sitting at the window seat whether by choice or the lack of one, sitting at the window
seat does have its pros and cons. Pro: The window is your headrest to lean against and sleep
on. This spares you the embarrassment of falling asleep on a stranger’s shoulder. Con: The
glaring sunlight. Solution: Sunglasses.
While you won’t encounter this problem during a flight (because of the handy window shades),
you might face it during your train, bus or car ride. If you are the type of person with trouble
falling asleep during your journey, (I know I don’t. Sitting in moving vehicles lulls me to sleep
faster than any form of medication) your sunglasses would help mask those dark circles under
your eyes too.
And that’s it! I’m sure our priorities may differ slightly but overall these items do come in handy
when the time calls for it. Before you go on next trip, stock up on these essential items and your
journey should be a much smoother one. Female travellers, happy traveling!