All posts by Melissa Davis

Melissa is a travel blogger from Australia. She has been writing and giving travel advice related to Hawaiian holidays on blogs across the Internet. Melissa lives in Brisbane with her husband and young daughter where she enjoys parenting, cycling, and other extreme sports.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Hawaii

There are more than enough reasons to visit the USA’s most tropical state – whether it’s the laid back culture, dramatic landscape or the famous surf beaches. But the Hawaiian islands are more than just palm trees and pineapples – they are rich in history, culture and tradition.

Here are five things you probably didn’t know about Hawaii.

1. Hawaii is the only coffee-growing U.S. state

There’s no doubt Americans love to drink coffee – after all, they did make Starbucks a household name – but what many don’t realise is that there is no coffee grown on the mainland.

Thanks to the fertile volcanic soil and ideal climate, however, Hawaii is home to some of the most delicious and expensive coffee in the world. The Hawaiians have been growing coffee ever since it was brought in from Brazil by a British warship around 1825.

Not only is it the only U.S. state to grow coffee, but it is one of the only places in the world where the entire coffee journey – from the ground to cup – happens in one region. Most other coffee-growing regions export their coffee.

2. Astronauts trained in Hawaii

Back in the 1960’s, astronauts trained for the first missions to the moon by walking on the hardened lava fields of Mauna Loa, which are very similar to the surface of the moon. People who go there say it’s a very surreal experience.

3. Hawaii has its own language

Not only does Hawaii have its own Polynesian language, but it only has 12 letters in its alphabet. Both Hawaiian and English are the national languages of Hawaii, however the number of native Hawaiian speakers has dropped significantly in the past century.

It has only be relatively recently (in history book terms) that the Hawaiian language has been written. When Captain Cook discovered the islands in 1778, he noted that they only spoke – they did not write. In 1820, westerners set out to standardise the language in the written form.

Want to impress the locals? Say ‘Mahalo’ (thank you) and learn a few basic Hawaiian phrases before you leave.

4. Mauna Kea is higher than Mount Everest

Most of us will never get the opportunity to climb to the summit of Mount Everest, but if you scale Hawaii’s famous Mauna Kea volcano, you can technically claim to have stood atop the world’s tallest mountain. If it’s calculated from the ocean floor, that is.

All volcanic islands naturally start from the bottom of the ocean, making Mauna Kea 10,204 meters tall compared to Mount Everest’s 8,850 meters.

5. Leis are more than just a decoration

One of the first things that comes into people’s minds when they think of Hawaii holidays are the colourful flower necklaces called Leis. However, not many know about the significance and tradition surrounding them.

When early Polynesian voyagers came to the Hawaiian islands they brought with them necklaces made from a range of local items such as shells, flowers, leaves and feathers. They were then worn as a way for Hawaiian people to distinguish themselves from others.

If you are offered a lei, always accept it – it is rude not to. You should also wear it draped over the shoulders, hanging both at the front and back.

Melissa Davis

Melissa is a travel blogger from Australia. She has been writing and giving travel advice related to Hawaiian holidays on blogs across the Internet. Melissa lives in Brisbane with her husband and young daughter where she enjoys parenting, cycling, and other extreme sports.

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My Trip To Bali

Growing up in Sydney certainly made me love the city that I was in and and I definitely did not have the idea that I wanted to go out and explore. For years people have been telling me to travel to different parts of the world and for some reason it was not until recently when I realized that I should listen to their advice. I looked through the internet and tried to find a country that I have never heard of and I planned to take a trip to that place right away. The first country that I saw was Bali and I knew right away that this was my first destination on my travels. Since I was able to get cheap flights to Bali, the Bali holiday packages were certainly making me excited to go on my trip.

My Water Adventures

When I finally got to Bali, I realized that this is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever seen. This was certainly something that I have never seen in the United States and for years I was so used to the Australian lifestyle that I was so blown away as to how beautiful Bali was. The first thing that I knew I had to do in Bali was to do all the adventurous things and so I asked the locals where I can find the best place for white water rafting. They told me where to go and I was sure to somehow find my way to the place. After finally finding my way to the area, I realized that there was so much more than just white water rafting as there water skiing, fly fishing and even a water park. I was so amazed and still can’t believe how much fun I had in the water.

Food Was Amazing

After that crazy first day of adventures, I was starving and knew that I needed to explore and find some food that I have never tried before. I searched and asked around for the best place in the area and they led me to a small restaurant near the resort and to this day I cannot believe how great that food was. For years people have raved about the food in Bali but it was not until I finally tried where I realized that they were right.

Golf Courses In Bali

As an avid golfer, it was also nice to be able to play golf the next day and golf in Bali was somewhat different because the golf courses were not as straightforward as my golf course in San Francisco. These courses were actually very difficult and I was enjoying the fact that they were challenging me to play better even though I was on vacation. After the golf round, I then found my way to learn more about the culture and habitat as I found my way to the local zoo and looked at all the amazing animals and species that they had. I have never seen most of the animals that I saw and I was amazed that there were so many things that I have never seen simply because I have never been able to really travel.

If you are serious about getting out of Australia and finally exploring the world, the first place you must really go to is Bali simply because of the fact that it is a place that not a lot of Australians go to and so you must really give it a shot. My trip to Bali was certainly something that I will never forget.

Melissa Davis

Melissa is a travel blogger from Australia. She has been writing and giving travel advice related to Hawaiian holidays on blogs across the Internet. Melissa lives in Brisbane with her husband and young daughter where she enjoys parenting, cycling, and other extreme sports.

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