Tag Archives: brck

The BRCK – Every Long Term Traveler’s Best Friend


I went to a Ushahidi meetup on Friday here in Seattle to see Erik Hersman, whom I’ve known since back in 2006 when he was working for Zillow’s earliest competitor Eppraisal and later saw him at the iHub while my friend and I were in Nairobi in 2010.

Erik showed me the coolest piece of hardware I’ve seen in a long, long time.


What is it?

The easiest, most reliable way to connect to the internet, anywhere in the world, even when you don’t have electricity

I’ve been in many places around the world where I would have loved to have one of these – and yes, Nairobi where the iHub and Ushahidi are based is one of those places. The BRCK has the chance to be every long term traveler’s best friend.

You can see the KickStarter campaign here

Congrats to Erik Hersman and the entire team for building something truly awesome that will help millions of people all over the globe stay connected to the internet even when there is no power! I can’t wait to see this go into real production.

Drew Meyers

Drew Meyers is the co-founder of Horizon & Oh Hey World. He worked for Zillow from September of 2005 to January of 2010 on the marketing team managing Zillow’s API program and various online partnerships. Founder of Geek Estate Blog, a multi-author blog focused on real estate technology for real estate professionals, and myKRO.org, a blog devoted to exploring the world of microfinance. As passionate as you get about travel.

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