Tag Archives: give a shit

Building a “Give a Shit” Culture

The other day, I watched this video interview with Krisstina Wise of the Good Life Team (Chris Smith’s first Reveal video interview):

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The reason I relate so well with Krisstina is because she truly “gives a damn”. I’ve spent time with her in Austin and at several conferences, and it’s blatantly obvious she cares deeply about her customers and employees. She’s a true leader with a ambitious vision of a better real estate brokerage.

Building a company is a massive endeavor. You’re faced with an endless to-do list and countless critical decisions, on a daily basis. Building a company involves a massive amount of time and, in many cases, money. It takes years to succeed.

While some succeed, most fail. By any indicator, Krisstina and Good Life Team are succeeding.

The universal indicator of success?

Across the board — successful companies, and the leaders (& employees) behind them, give a shit.

It goes without saying company culture starts at the top with its leader(s). Their work ethic and values flow through the entire organization. If they don’t give a shit, no one will.

Successful leaders give a shit about their legacy. That their customers are having a hard time solving their problems. That their website has a bug preventing someone from editing one tiny field on their profile. If it takes 3 days for their team to resolve a customer issue. If paychecks are 1 day late. If their employees don’t love their jobs. That some employees haven’t taken a single vacation day in 9 months. If their customers do not get the highest level of service, each and every time they interact with the brand. They give a shit if their product and service are not great.

In short, successful leaders give a shit about everything. And they fill their organization with others that give a shit.

Krisstina gives a shit (“damn” as she says in the video). So does Spencer Rascoff, who ran marketing while I was at Zillow (now the CEO).

That’s why they succeed.

So, what am I hungry for?

The answer is simple. People that give a shit. About anything. About everything.

Like the Good Life Team and Zillow, and every other successful company, we’re building a “Give a Shit” culture at Oh Hey World. If you fall in that bucket and love travel, let’s talk.

PS: My apologies for the profanity 🙂

Drew Meyers

Drew Meyers is the co-founder of Horizon & Oh Hey World. He worked for Zillow from September of 2005 to January of 2010 on the marketing team managing Zillow’s API program and various online partnerships. Founder of Geek Estate Blog, a multi-author blog focused on real estate technology for real estate professionals, and myKRO.org, a blog devoted to exploring the world of microfinance. As passionate as you get about travel.

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