Tag Archives: location aware group management

The Ability to Find Nearby Members of the World’s Most Passionate Communities

microfinance resultsIf you are really passionate about something, then the chances are high that you’d have a good conversation with anyone else passionate about that same topic, activity, or cause.

There are a lot of passionate communities in the world. Kiva. Startup Weekend. Bold Academy. AVC. Mothers Fighting for Others. Unreasonable Institute. Startup Chile. Sailing. Cycling. TurnOn!. Foodies. Semester at Sea. The list goes on and on.

Anyone who has ever built a community knows that connecting members in person is the single most important thing you can do.

But how do you find the people in the communities you are a part of, and figure out who in that community is nearby to you in the physical world?

What’s needed is location aware community management. A directory of everyone in a given community, with proximity as the default sort order and notifications to let you know when others are nearby.

Good news. This exists already, if you know how to use it (we’ve got some UI/UX in the works to make it more obvious).

For Community Builders:

You can already use Oh Hey World to organize your community members by geography. Simply have them add your specified interest – ie “Kiva” – as an interest on their profile. If you are signed in, the results are ordered by geographic proximity to your most recent check-in.

In order to have a tag auto-created upon sign up, use these links to sign up for Oh Hey World and join the community that shares your passions.

You can use these links to join the site and easily add any other interest you like onto the network. We have homeschooling travelers on the network as well as food-passionate travelers. Some involved in real estate and others keen to connect over a passion for the history and culture of a new place.

If you have a community you’d like to connect through the OHW network, just shoot us an email and we’ll work with you on the best way to onboard your users and connect them through the system.

Questions? Shoot them over to: drew at ohhheyworld dot com. Or leave them in the comments, we’d love to hear what you think.

Note: If you want people to join your community, you can use the following URL structure to auto create any tag upon a user registration – http://www.ohheyworld.com/?registration_code=0d8d9476-aafb-4510-8754-12e316e98fcc&organization_tags=travel%20bloggers. Just replace the “=travel%20bloggers” with whatever tag you want to add, for instance “=startup%20abroad”.

Drew Meyers

Drew Meyers is the co-founder of Horizon & Oh Hey World. He worked for Zillow from September of 2005 to January of 2010 on the marketing team managing Zillow’s API program and various online partnerships. Founder of Geek Estate Blog, a multi-author blog focused on real estate technology for real estate professionals, and myKRO.org, a blog devoted to exploring the world of microfinance. As passionate as you get about travel.

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