Tag Archives: user photos

Biking Alstatia, France

Featured Photo: Biking the Alsatian Countryside

We love seeing Oh Hey World users out and about exploring the world. In fact, we love it so much we feature your photos from anywhere in the world if you tweet them to us @OhHeyWorld.

Today Martin has us jealous of the bright blue skies and t-shirt weather as he bikes through the French countryside–it looks gorgeous!

Biking Alstatia, France

Martin can be found within the OHW community, and he  is a formal economist and informal Tech enthusiast, so you can find that intriguing fusion of thought on his Tumblr blog too.

Thanks for sharing your travel photo Martin and we hope the apples were tasty (as we suspect they were)!  🙂

If you’d like to see your photo and travels featured here just send us a tweet, post it to our Facebook, or find a way to get it to us and we’ll give your trip a shout-out here on the OHW blog.


Shannon O'Donnell

A storyteller and knowledge-seeker captivated by the world. Formally an actress and web-nerd, I left in 2008 to travel solo, volunteer, and hunt down delicious vegetarian eats all over the world. She recently published "The Volunteer Traveler’s Handbook, and her travel stories and photography are recorded on her world travel blog, A Little Adrift.

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