Running 5 blogs and traveling the past 3 years, I know the pain of continually updating the current location on a blog’s about page and sidebar. My location on my various about pages and and sidebars (or headers/footers) were often wrong. I got tired of editing text widgets and footer/header/sidebar PHP code.
Hence the reason we built the Oh Hey World WordPress plugin. We now have the easiest way to update your location on your blog. Here are a few example of travel bloggers using the WordPress plugin…
Dani Blanchette – GoingNomadic – currently in Medellin, Colombia
Val Dawson – ThisWaytoParadise – Currently in Sorong, Indonesia
Hyacinthe Raimbault – Hyacinthe’s Notebook – currently in Boston, MA
Want to try it?
- Sign in to the BETA and check in
- Click add new plugin and search for & add “Oh Hey World” (or upload to the
/wp-content/plugins/` directory). - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Grab your user name from your Oh Hey World profile. If the link to your profile is, your profile name is “drewmeyers”
- Insert the sidebar widget into your sidebar or use one of the two short codes to insert the text into your about page (or any other post or page).
- Update your location on Oh Hey World every time you change locations by checking-in on the BETA site at your current location.
Questions? Leave them in the comments.