We rented a car today and drove all over Rhodes — well from Rhodos to the Valley of the Butterflies to Lindos and back. First of all, renting cars in Rhodos is a rip off. It was 40 euro for a day, plus gas (which we spent 15 euro on). And we only got a tiny car for that price — a tiny 2 door Fiat that we nicknamed the “LBC” (little blue car). I still don’t know how we packed 5 people into that car; it felt like high school all over again when we’d roll 5 deep in my “RHP” (Red Honda Prelude). Sorry, back to the subject of this post. The Valley of the Butterflies is about an hour drive from Rhodos and costs 5 euro to get in, but was a fantastic day trip and well worth it in my opinion. Where else can you see thousands upon thousands of butterflies at the same time? Here’s a quick video I shot with my camera to give you a taste: