After having spent so much time traveling the last 3 years, I’m starting to get the “when are you going to set some roots?” question when I’m back home visiting family and friends, as if I’m running away from something.
In their mind, they are asking when I’m going to go back to the “real world”.
“THEIR” real world.
Not mine.
As I mentioned, everyone’s definition of life and success is different. To me, life is not all about a big house, fancy car, two dogs, three kids, a trophy wife, and a white picket fence. With a 9-5 job and a $5,000 mortgage payment every month. There’s nothing wrong with that life — if that’s what makes you happy. But once you see all the world has to offer and how free you feel when you own (almost) nothing, it’s a bit hard to go back to that materialistic US lifestyle when I know for a fact money doesn’t buy happiness.
I agree with Matt. I’m not running away from life. Rather, I’m running full steam ahead toward the life I want.
Setting roots will happen. Just not yet.
[Photo via mindfulbalance]