Write for Us

The goal of Oh Hey World Blog (more about the company here) is to become the go-to source for backpacking tips, stories, insights, and experiences for Generation X & Y. This is a multi-author blog, and we’re actively looking for people who are passionate about traveling and its positive impacts on one’s life. There are many backpackers who maintain their own travel blogs; our aim is to aggregate information into a central place so that readers can find whatever they are looking for that relates to backpacking. If you blog while you travel, but don’t want to maintain your own blog, writing here on the Oh Hey World blog is a great option. Even if you maintain your own blog, writing on Oh Hey World is an ideal way to build your brand and reach a new audience. For a perspective on why guest posting makes sense, I wrote an article addressing the topic a few years ago and still think it’s a great idea for anyone looking to build their brand.

Types of Contributors:

  • Backpackers exploring the world for brief, or long, stints
  • Expats living and/or working in foreign countries
  • Individuals who have traveled in the past and want to share what they got out of it
  • Any other passionate people who would like to share their views and experiences with backpacking and traveling

Possible subject matter:

  • Crazy backpacking stories from the road
  • Before, during, and after stories from those who have backpacked a trip
  • A guide to a specific location that you’ve visited
  • Tips on how to travel through a region on the cheap
  • Recommendations on Hostels or Guesthouses you’d recommend staying at
  • Travel tips you’ve learned via your journeys around the globe

Contributor Guidelines:

  • If you are going to attack something… attack ideas, not people. (i.e. “your idea sucks”… not “you suck”)
  • Avoid obvious self-promotion
  • Do not cross post content on other blogs
  • Disclose conflicts of interest
  • Topics should be issues that have either been researched or learned through 1st hand experience

Below are the guidelines we abide by here. If you don’t pass all of these, your inquiry will be deleted automatically:

  1. Look at your email address and see if there is a number in their gmail address – ie suzysmith23@gmail.com. A number in their address generally means you are an SEO consultant. You will be deleted instantly if we see this.
  2. Check your website. Do you appear to be a legitimate business, with a legitimate reputation? Are you in the travel vertical? Does your website give a snake oil salesman impression? Or are they providing valuable content?
  3. If you pass 1 & 2 – send an original article NOT already posted on the web. Are you pitching your own product? Are you stuffing the article with links? Do you seem genuinely interested in helping others, or just in it for your own benefit?

If you made it this far and are still interested in writing, you can e-mail your details to “shannon (at) ohheyworld (dot) com”.

Exploring the Wild Blue Yonder