My flips flops (which I’ve had for about 8 years now) have been slowly deteriorating over the past couple months on Santorini. Then, about a month ago, the tears in them officially became full on rips – making them impossible to keep on my feet. I was fully ready to buy a new pair of flips flops — but island life wouldn’t have any of that. Unfortunately, I can’t find any shoes my size (48-49) on the entire island of Santorini; the largest size of shoe you can find here is a 46. So I have to resort to somehow keeping my current pair of flip flops in tact for another week before flying to London — electrical tape seems to do the trick though I have to patch them every few days as a result of the effect of water, pebbles, and sun.
You can bet, come next Thursday when I take off to London, these things will be in the trash.