Tag Archives: Gemma Sisia

Gemma Sisia’s Tanzanian story – The School of St Jude

I came across the story of Gemma Sisia, founder of the School of St Jude in Arusha, Tanzania, the other day. It struck a chord with me, because I spent a week painting walls at Saint Monica’s, a school just outside Nairobi that my friend Racquel Turner runs. (see my the blog posts here, here, and here).

You can watch Gemma on ABC’s ‘Australian Story’ here:

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I love learning more about individuals doing such fantastic work. Thank you to Gemma and staff/volunteers for making the world a better place.

Drew Meyers

Drew Meyers is the co-founder of Horizon & Oh Hey World. He worked for Zillow from September of 2005 to January of 2010 on the marketing team managing Zillow’s API program and various online partnerships. Founder of Geek Estate Blog, a multi-author blog focused on real estate technology for real estate professionals, and myKRO.org, a blog devoted to exploring the world of microfinance. As passionate as you get about travel.

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