All posts by alvinalopez

3 Reasons Teaching English in South Korea Can Save You Money

Teaching English abroad is an excellent way to experience a new culture, travel, and attain some unique work experience. What many English speakers don’t consider, however, is the fact that teaching abroad for a year or two can save them a great deal of money, compared to the amount they could save while working in their home countries. South Korea is one of the best options for teachers looking to have an abroad experience and collect some considerable savings at the same time. Here are three reasons why teaching English in South Korea is great for the bank account.

1. Paid Flight There and Back

The coolest thing about teaching English in South Korea is the fact that almost all schools will cover the  travel expenses for native speakers who are hired to come teach. This is a savings of around $1,500 up front. Then, you can travel within Korea and neighboring Asian countries while you’re living there and really make that free ticket rack up savings. For die-hard travelers, having an international flight covered is like winning a free vacation.

2. Paid Housing

Many schools in Asian countries offer to pay for teachers’ airfare if they are hired for a six month to one year contract, but South Korea is one of the few countries with schools that will typically pay for your housing while you’re there, as well. This is usually set up either by the school that has hired you or by your recruiters, and it can save you tons of hassle. The only housing expenses teachers in South Korea cover are utilities, food, and small housing items.

3. Opportunity to Save

Most teachers who arrive in Korea have little more than a few suitcases to hold them through the entire year abroad. However, many find that they don’t need much more than that. English teachers have furnished housing, down to kitchen utensils. They don’t own a car or a home, so they will have no maintenance expenses to think about. Food can also be found fairly cheaply in Korean cities in small neighborhood restaurants and street vendors, and grocery stores offer ingredients to make easy meals that westerners typically enjoy. Expats can generally budget to save as much or as little money as they wish.