I mentioned Jauntaroo’s Jaunt Around the World competition last month. It’s still going (they’ve narrowed it down to 50), and I’m stoked that my friend Annie Cheng made the cut(VOTE for her HERE).
Since I’m inherently curious, I got to wondering where all these various applicants are? Annie and Cassidy are in Seattle (have to be logged in to OHW to view those links) – are any of the others? How many different countries are accounted for? Is there anyone in Thailand? China? Brazil? Kenya?
If you applied to be their Chief World Explorer – please, join the community page and express your love for Jauntaroo!
Note: To use the community page, you’ll have to sign into Oh Hey World, check-in to a city, and THEN visit the Jauntaroo community page. We’re currently working through the UI/UX/Design – we’ll end up with an intuitive flow focused on communities and not the check-in…but we’re not there yet.