We’ve been transforming the OHW blog over the past few months into what we hope has become a source of travel inspiration on the best of what is going on in the world of travel. A cornerstone mission behind Oh Hey World (and one we continue to go back to as we tweak and adjust OHW to make it exactly what the community wants and needs) is to encourage every person in the world to get a stamp in their passport. Dovetail that with our mission to connect travelers over shared passions and you have the current series and themes on the OHW blog:
- An interview series with travel-tech startups transforming the travel experience.
- Profiles on global social enterprises doing positive work.
- Inspiring travelers who overcame obstacles to travel long-term and their current projects. (first one next week!)
- Unique advice, photography, and inspiration to get you ready for more travels on our Sunday Inspiration Series.
There’s a lot going on over here is what I’m trying to say. And we’re all really grateful you’ve come along with the journey so far.
Without further ado, this week’s Sunday Travel Inspiration is a gorgeous video journey through Southeast Asia (one of my favorite parts of the world).
My own travels through Southeast Asia changed my life; the culture, religion, and attitudes of the people I encountered inspired me to return to the region over and over (I even temporarily expated in Chiang Mai several times). This video made a perfect weekend escape for me since I’m back home visiting family Stateside and loved the music and gentle journey the footage takes you on over the course of five minutes.
A few other links you might enjoy reading over a cup of coffee include:
- Going, Going, Still Going? Voyager 1 at Solar System’s Edge: Geeking out over here. So cool I can’t even handle it; read up on what’s happening as Voyager hits the outer edges of our Solar System.
- World Refugee Day 2013: A humbling photo essay highlighting what it’s like in refugee camps and areas in conflict.
- Nat Geo Traveler Photo Contest 2013: Today’s the last day to enter the contest (so hurry if you’ve been meaning to) but otherwise enjoy the roundup of these stunning entries.
- How Much Does World Travel Cost? This is my most popular post—read by 2+ million people looking to price out the cost of a round the world trip!
- How To Quit Your Job And Travel: Bronwyn meticulously lays out how she did it with great books and resources to help you uncover how you can do the same; really thorough so I just had to share here in case you’re looking for some inspiration for your own travels.
That’s all I have for you this week, have a wonderful Sunday!